But these days, the waffling and whining is served with a heavy dose of vitriol and hyper partisanship and our communities are being polarized when we should be coming together .
It seems like both sides have forgotten how to disagree and persuade without fomenting hatred for the other side.
But our nation's history shows us we can disagree without tearing each other apart. We need to re-learn how to Disagree Better.
Join former Cobb County Democratic Party Chair and Mayor of Mableton Dr. Michael Owens and former Cobb County Republican Party Chairman and Assistant Prof. of Political Science Jason M. Shepherd for a facilitated discussion on how to be leaders on how to facilitate healthy rather than toxic disagreement.
Additional Speaker will be announced as we get closer to the event.
Waffles will be provided free of charge. Wine and other beverages will be available for sale.